jueves, 12 de abril de 2007

Finding a job has never been easier!!!!

Finding a job has never been easier, now that we have Internet as atool to look for a job that fits our profile. There are web sites like www.monster.com that help you to narrow your search. However thesewebsites also serves to companies around the world to build a database which they could peruse when they need to fill a vacant. Eventhough finding a job that fits your profile is easy, being acceptedfor such job is a whole different thing. In short Internet has becomea tool to make our life easier even if its about finding a job, and inthis globalized world if you are a competent professional there is noexcuse to be unemployed.

Here is a cover letter I wrote for an intership aplication that I found on monster.com

Urbanizacion Tamare
Sector Urdaneta Calle 20 #25
4019 ciudad Ojeda, Estado Zulia

Mr. or Mrs. Director of Engineering
TRS Packaging
205 Dingens Street Buffalo,
New York 14206

My unique mix of previous work and status within the Dr. Rafael Belloso Chacin University Industrial Engineering Program makes me an ideal candidate for a spring internship in TRS Packaging.

My experience in time studies, improvement of experimental production environments and studies on reliability and risk management have convinced me that you offer is a really interesting professional option that I’d like to explore.

More importantly, an internship at TRS Packaging would be mutually beneficial. Your company has an excellent reputation for customer satisfaction, and I know that the combination of my experience, education, and motivation to excel will make me an asset to your production department.

I am sure that it would be worthwhile for us to meet. I will contact you within a week to arrange a meeting. Should you have any questions before that time, you may reach me via phone (58-265-6310436) or via email (wolfgang_romero1984@hotmail.com).
Thank you for your time and consideration.
Wolfgang Romero

1 comentario:

jose leon dijo...

i guess you like the black not?